Beach Perspective


DSCN3028.jpgI love to wander at the beach and take pictures. This weekend we arrived for an afternoon stroll, not anticipating the strong winds. They sent dry sand skimming over the tidal flats, ruffled feathers on the seagulls and whipped up white caps. Clearly there  had also been extensive storms since we’d last wandered here, as the driftwood was piled high along the shores, and sand crumbled from raw slices cut into the dunes. I hadn’t been walking outside or taking pictures much lately, and was delighted to be doing both.




The bleached wood and sea-worn shapes of driftwood fascinate me, and I took picture after picture. While I was framing the above picture, a woman walked around the point and into the scene. See her? That pink blob on the left? I was slightly irritated, as I definitely prefer my landscapes people-free. I reminded myself that her distant figure might provide scale or perspective and could actually add to the photo. Still, I was impatient for her to move along.

As she approached, we both called out, “Hello.” Then to my surprise, she moved up the beach toward me.

“If you like to take pictures, you should try this,” she said, her hand outstretched. In it was a smooth glass ball.

“A crystal ball?” I asked, laughing.

“Yeah,” she said, “Try taking a picture through it.”

She placed the heavy ball in my hand and we walked back toward the driftwood I’d been photographing. Once there, I held the ball awkwardly, unsure how to proceed.

“Just set it down somewhere and try,” she said. She took the ball from my hand and set it into various nooks, trying to find a stable perch.

“There!” she said. “Try that.”

I crouched down and looked through the ball. Within its smooth walls, was a miniature world, inverted. I took pictures from a few angles, delighted with the experience.

“Oh, you could play with this all day!” I exclaimed.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been doing,” she said wryly. “I’ve spent half the day down here taking pictures.”

“Thank you so much!” I said, handing her back the heavy globe. She slipped it into her pocket.

“No problem,” she replied. “Have fun.”

She continued her walk down the beach, a lone figure silhouetted against the surf and sand.

Yes, I thought, she definitely had added a different perspective to the scene.



21 thoughts on “Beach Perspective

  1. jcareyreads says:

    How fun… and beautiful. The beach at my parents’ Maine house was hit pretty hard. It’s pretty amazing how the beach is ever changing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dianeandlynne says:

    A new perspective when we least expect it is always a wonderful surprise. Love the photos, and I especially love the crystal ball photo, but most of all I love your commentary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fran Haley says:

    Stunning. Truly. Both the beachscapes (the beach is one of my favorite places, even in the rawness of winter) and in the person you didn’t want to see coming to give you something extraordinary. It’s almost magical. The photos are just gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Fran! As I said, I haven’t been taking many pictures lately and have really missed it. The beach is one of my favorite places to play with my camera.


  4. dmsherriff says:

    I love how the annoyance became the idea for something new and different. I loved the conversation you captured with the stranger and I couldn’t wait to get to the last picture and see what you both saw! Climatic slice! Pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Alice Nine says:

    What a treat to read your slice. You last picture is amazing! Who knew!! I’m always feel a bit of internal chagrin when I’m annoyed with someone and then meet them and have a wonderful encounter.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amanda Potts says:

    Serendipity – I enjoyed how you walked us through this: the day at the beach, the pictures, the woman (grr), wait! the woman! wow!. I love how you let me change my perspective along with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Very cool. Have you ordered a crystal ball from Amazon or might a local thrift store have one?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. margaretsmn says:

    I loved this walk along the beach with you. That last photo is breathtaking. Can I use it in my ekphrastic poetry project?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. mgminer says:

    Thank you for the vistas and perspectives. So much beauty in wildness.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This post is a gem, Molly. I love the way you bring us into the moment and turn this chance encounter into such a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing this reminder to always be open to new possibilities!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Purviben K Trivedi-Ziemba says:


    Why? Why? Why?

    Why are you tempting us with your beautiful beach stroll when we are having to deal with frozen maple sap n closed school doors?

    Actually, thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures, perspective and slice. As usual, your post is bringing a sunshine.

    Do you take pictures with your phone or use a camera? Which one?

    Happy strolling (and taking pictures)


    Liked by 1 person

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