SOLC 2018–Day 20: Little Things


March 2018 SOLC–Day 20
A huge thank you to Two Writing Teachers for all that they do to create an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow.

March is always a challenging month. It contains this daily writing challenge, report cards, and parent/teacher conferences. Throw in MEA testing, regular planning and lingering winter and you can see why it can be daunting at times. When I get overwhelmed, I try to focus on those little things that make me happy. Here are eight of them (Ten just seemed too predictable!):

  1. Writing with a very sharp pencil. Of course, this only lasts for a few words or sentences, but I love the press of that sharp tip on paper. I’ve switched to mechanical pencils for the convenience of “ever sharp”, but they really don’t compare.
  2. Jazzy paperclips. I buy boxes of plastic coated brightly colored and patterned paper clips for my classroom. The little bursts of color make me happy. (Until I discover their mutilated little corpses on the floor or under my desk. Who is doing this and why? And when??)
  3. Ginger preserves. OMG. These are amazing. I make toast and slather it with a thick layer of chunky ginger preserves and I’m immediately happy. (This was an undiluted pleasure until my daughter recently discovered the Prop 64 “known carcinogen label” on its side. We now refer to this as the cancer jam. Ugh. But I did a little research and I still eat it.)
  4. Choosing stamps. When I go to the post office, I spend time looking at what stamps are available. There’s always some version of Love stamps and the ubiquitous flag stamps, but there are treasures to be found. I just picked up a sheet of Andrew Wyeth stamps and a sheet of stamps inspired by Ezra Jack Keats’ Snowy Day. There’s a small joy in choosing which stamp to use, especially if I’m sending a card or letter.
  5. Good pens. Trite but true. I have a few favorites, depending on what I’m doing. Flair pens. Optiflow. Uniball. A fresh sheet of paper and a smooth-flowing pen= heaven.
  6. Bird watching. I can do this for hours. During the recent storms the birds have been so active at the feeders! I’m feeling a bit guilty these days though, as the addition of two young and active cats to our household, combined with bird feeders, seems a bit like aiding and abetting.
  7. The seat warmer in my car. I snuggle right into that warm seat and feel contentment spread through my body. Doesn’t that saying go, “Warm butt, warm heart?” Best car option EVER!
  8. Soup! Soup! Soup! Every Sunday I make a batch to eat for lunch at school all week long. I love the aromatic tendriling steam above it, the fact that it simmers away without much attention while I attend to other things, and the knowledge that one part of my week is now under control. Ah, soup! This week’s flavor: Butternut Squash Curry. Yum!

What are the little things that brighten up your day?

28 thoughts on “SOLC 2018–Day 20: Little Things

  1. I’m with you on the birds, stamps, and soup. We have an elusive pileated woodpecker in our woods who is excavating a stump by our feeder, but I’ve only caught glimpses of him. My soup this week is chili with sweet potatoes, black beans, and lentils. Filling and delicious! Are you supposed to get more snow this week? We’re in the 6-12 inch band for tomorrow. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Catherine, we have pileated woodpeckers come to the suet feeder at our house. Not regularly, but once in a while and it’s a great treat. I love their jungle cries! I think we’re going to dodge this snowstorm, but I’m now off to check the forecast. PS Is that a meat based or vegetarian chili and if the latter, are you willing to share the recipe with me?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. dianeandlynne says:

    Oh boy! I chuckled at the seat warmer–best invention ever. Love your list. I’ll be making my snowy day soup today, though I’m tired of snowy days and I never thought i’d say that.

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  3. jcareyreads says:

    Warm butt, warm heart?” This one makes me happy too!

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  4. I need that butternut squash curry soup recipe! I love your list! I don’t have a car in my new country/job/home, but I do have seat warmers in the old car in Florida– and boy, they are nice. I love your list: the birds, the writing utensils, the pluck and positive cheers– spring is coming!

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  5. What a great list. I can’t stay the stamps are an interest, but almost everything else! The seat warmer is especially important and I’m glad you eat the jam.

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  6. #6 Bird Watching. I need a Slice on setting up bird feeders so birds actually come. We do not have the knack.

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  7. cindaroo42 says:

    I love this and I chuckled outloud so many times! You described each item’s importance and gave a little commentary which added nice humor!
    I agree the most with seat warmers and sharp pencils! I would add morning coffee, more daylight in the evenings, and my soft white comforter!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. margaretsmn says:

    Again and again I am finding nuggets of great slices that I could use and that lead me to a better connection. I’d like to go with you to pick out stamps and colored paper clips. These are little things that I love but make excuses not to care about. But if they make you happy, why not?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Amanda Potts says:

    I love that so many of us love the seat warmers. Such a luxury! And I’m with you on the ginger preserves, though I’m not happy to hear that they may be carcinogenic. I’m going to pretend I never heard that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Apparently some ginger has been found to contain lead, so California law requires all ginger products to have this label. I’ve decided to trust the Scottish manufacturers and maybe cut down a little on how thickly I layer the jam.


  10. My next car will have heated seats and yes, the right writing utensil at the right time can make all the difference. This list is an excellent reminder of how little things can have an outsized influence on us. Yay for brightly colored paper clips!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I think this is a wonderful strategy for focusing on the happy. The list might be great to return to when needed. On my “to-make” list. Thanks. Mark

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      I think sometimes we focus too much on the great big “happies” and ignore the warm little ones in front of us. All those small pleasures together, when recognized, can kindle a bright fire!


  12. terierrol says:

    Definitely during this long month, it is the simple, good things we need.

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  13. All those things! Just substitute fig for ginger and add cheese and crackers and we are twins. Tucking this idea away for a blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. ureadiread says:

    Ah those warm little things are sounding especially appealing. Enjoy your soup and seat warmer!


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