SOLC 2018–Day 9 and Poetry Friday


March 2018 SOLC–Day 9
A huge thank you to Two Writing Teachers for all that they do to create an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow.


Today’s post is a twofer–a dual post for Slice of Life and the Poetry Friday Roundup.  So, in that spirit of two for one, I’m sharing two poems that I wrote this week.

This first poem was in response to Laura Purdie Salas’s timely 15 Words or Less Poem weekly photo prompt. (Luckily, my fears appear to be unfounded.)


Photo credit to Laura Purdie Salas

I Spy

Pinkish eye
far from dry
Dusting of crusting

I fear my plight is

M. Hogan (c) 2018

And then there was this poetic moment a week or so ago.

At dusk
I watched a fox
slip through tree shadows
sure-footed in the snow
his tail a crimson comet
in the fading light
a chicken carcass
heavy in his jaws

M. Hogan (c) 2018

This week’s Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted by the kind and talented Michelle H. Barnes at her splendoriferous blog, Today’s Little Ditty. Her blog today is overflowing with shared advice from poets about incorporating poetry in the classroom and engaging students with poetry in meaningful ways. Wow! What a resource! I will be revisiting again and again and again…

26 thoughts on “SOLC 2018–Day 9 and Poetry Friday

  1. margaretsmn says:

    Your poetry today brings out some disgusting realities, eye disease and the circle of life. All a part of our shared life experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. cindaroo42 says:

    I love how both poems together show 2 different, but strong feelings! You use alliteration so well, “dusting, crusting, disgusting” and it captures conjunctivitis perfectly- EW!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lynnedorfman says:

    Wow! The poems are so different! I love foxes and your description of “his tail a crimson comet in the fading light” is simply stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. katswhiskers says:

    That fox poem was superb. I too loved the crimson comet – that hints at the chicken carcass.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that crimson comet and had to smile over the pink eye. Been there. Decrusted that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. cvarsalona says:

    Yes, Molly, you called it right. Conjunctivitis is disgusting. You topped that poem with a crimson comet in the fading light. Now maybe I could write a golden shovel from the line I lifted. Let’s see what the weekend brings.

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  7. lindabaie says:

    Long ago, one of my dogs left our yard, and as we went out to look for him, he came running, with a chicken carcass! I don’t know if your fox had killed one. Our dog just seemed to have found a cooked leftover in someone’s garbage. Humor aside, I love that “crimson carpet” & am happy your eye is okay!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. terierrol says:

    You paint a couple of vivid pictures- love them.

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  9. Could those poems be any more different, Molly?! Nice range today… and I’m not talking about free range chickens either! I sure hope that chicken wasn’t someone’s pet. 😦

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  10. You have certainly embraced the “a poem can be about anything” mantra! I’m glad you don’t have conjunctivitis! Like others have mentioned, I love that “crimson comet!”

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  11. –“heavy in his jaws” – that is an AWESOME line, Molly!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Donna Smith says:

    Oh, gross, Molly! Ha! No, really, both VERY well crafted…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. maryleehahn says:

    Five stars for rhyming “plight is” and “conjunctivitis”!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. “crimson comet” YES!


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