Lines…a Photo Challenge


About two weeks ago, Kim Douillard of the blog, Thinking Through Your Lens, posted a challenge to notice and photograph the lines in our daily lives. Once I had it in mind, I saw lines everywhere! I also remembered this photo, one I had taken earlier in the month. It shows the back garden fence reflected on the lingering snow. I love the way the lines play against the contours of the snow.DSCN9361.jpg

One recent Sunday morning, while visiting our children, I opted for a very chilly early morning walk. I had Kim’s challenge in mind, and I was immediately intrigued by the jigsaw puzzle lines of the ice on the river. Looking down from the bridge into town, I enjoyed the linear reflections of the guardrail on the ice below. Notice, too, the lines that the tree shadows make across the floating ice. If it hadn’t been so cold, I could have stayed and watched the interplay of water, ice and shadows for quite some time. It was, however, one of those days where you have to keep moving or get inside, so I moved along.


Walking down to the river, I noticed the water had refrozen overnight into thin layers along the banks of the river. I stepped carefully over ice and crunchy patches of snow, maneuvering down to the water’s edge. When I got closer, I saw these amazing razor-sharp lines etched into the ice.  I couldn’t believe my eyes–What incredible geometric shapes!


In the nearby park, I discovered more lines. The veins and edges of this leaf are lovely on their own.  But with the cumulative alchemy of changing temperature, absorbing warmth, melting, etc., this leaf has created its own silhouette. Lines within lines within lines.


Back at home this past weekend, Saturday’s snowfall, while not particularly welcome, was quite beautiful. The raised ridges on the metal barn roof peeked through the cracked lines in the snow and caught my eye. Not too long after I took this photo, the snow sheets avalanched from the roof  with a resounding Whoosh!



And, finally, there are the lines that lead toward home–Perhaps my favorite of all.


Thanks, Kim, for another great challenge! I appreciate how you help me see my world in new ways!

19 thoughts on “Lines…a Photo Challenge

  1. Amy Warntz says:

    I slowed down this morning. I saw those lines and was in awe of them. It’s funny what we notice when asked to be focused or perhaps hyper focused. Your photography inspires me. It inspires me to slow down and notice. You’ve captured the beauty of lines!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Spectacular photography! Keep snapping away.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alice Nine says:

    Such wonderful compositions — both the photographs and the text! You have crafted them well. Isn’t it remarkable how the stark lines of life show up so clearly in winter scenes. I wonder if that is true in the seasons of life… a thought to ponder today.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lindabaie says:

    Absolutely gorgeous, Molly, each one special. Those geometric shapes in the river are worth a contest entry! They almost don’t look real! Love that you took the challenge and found so many wonders.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Linda! I was so surprised by those shapes and so glad that I was paying attention so I noticed them! That’s the beauty of Kim’s challenges.


  5. Gorgeous photography… the first and last shots were my favorite. i loved how you captured the shadow of the fence with the sun… really pretty. Your last shot of home just warms my heart. Those trees stand like soldiers protecting the hearth. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fran Haley says:

    Stunning photos! I love snow, although you’ve probably had your fill …

    Liked by 1 person

  7. karpenglish says:

    Amazing photos! I love the combination of the photography and the slice of life, and how the photography challenge helped you see the world in new ways. I think I will be looking for lines while I walk my son to school in the morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Molly, your photos are stunning! Isn’t it amazing that once an idea is in our head, we see it everywhere? I love the description of where you found all these lines, and agree with you: the path toward home is the best of all!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. ntuckerbarnes5 says:

    any one of these photos is prizeworthy

    Liked by 1 person

  10. kd0602 says:

    Wow! I love your frosty lines–definitely different from the lines I am familiar with! Thanks for joining in the challenge and giving us your spin on lines. 🙂


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